I believe some of you need to hear this today, you’re struggling and God wants to encourage and build you up again.
What you actually do in life my precious WOH family and friends as in jobs and positions, things that sometimes people rank in order of importance, that does NOT define who you are!
So please never let yourself feel any less than another, for in Gods’ sight we are absolutely all equal as amazing individuals who He so lovingly created and also loves us much more than we can ever comprehend!
Some “positions” carry with them power, with power comes great responsibility. Serving jobs and simply being free to be you every day what ever that entails, also carries great power.. because whatever you do and wherever you go, never forget you’re carrying Jesus. You are being as His arms and feet on this earth and He Himself is flowing through you, impacting a desperate world around you, with His amazing love!
I really like diversity, it’s powerful to celebrate one another, each individual so different, and yet linked together with and through God and proclaiming that “Together we are strong”!
So be super blessed, and please take time to enjoy and to celebrate the wonderful and unique person God so lovingly created you to be.
I took this photo just the other evening and I’ve posted it with no filter, just the way it was painted in the sky, isn’t it amazing. 🙌
I feel incredibly blessed to have met each of you, my awesome WOH family.
Love Mandie x
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Mandie Austin