Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

by Mandie Austin 1 Comment

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

God will bring across your path and into your life those who will be absolute blessings, people sent to enrich your earthly journey and you theirs, but remain alert as there is an enemy who will also bring people across your path, they may appear wonderful on the outside, but underlyingly they carry an alternative agenda, a controlling one.

How can you know the difference?, thankfully the precious Holy Spirit of God living within you will give you inner discernment as you stay close to him and as you ask of Him, that you will know your potential close friends, those blessings that God has sent to enrich and encourage your journey, but also, and very importantly, you will clearly know those individuals who would seek to control, distract and hinder you from the path of blessing God desires for you here on earth.

At this point I imagine some of you may be questioning past possible mistakes, decisions made which may have ultimately served only to entangle you over time, hurt you and eventually cause immense heartache.

Firstly, we cannot go back, so please don’t be harsh on yourself. Surrender everything afresh back to God from this point on, ask of His forgiveness for where you feel you may have got it wrong, and please remember to forgive yourself too. The fantastic news is that God has the ability to turn our mistakes into a miracle, I don’t know precisely how, but the God of all creativity sure does and He will delight to do that for you as I can assure you He has done for me so many times.

Always remember that nothing is wasted in God, He looks at your beautiful heart and He knows you have always meant well. Yes God has the ability to turn everything around and use it all for His glory and ultimately for your joy, He will wipe the tears from your eyes, and lead you on forward in joy and freedom.

My dear friends and WOH family, I encourage you to guard and protect the inner circle of your life's friendships, don't allow just anyone to have close access to you, and more precisely, to your heart.

Please don't think I'm saying you must remain exclusive and keep most people out, not at all, be free!!, the light of God within you will draw many to you and that's fantastic, I'm not talking about that - I'm talking toxic friendships and you’ll know the difference by the fruit those "friendships" produce within your own life, true and good friends will be encouraging of you, they’ll believe in you, love you no matter what, but they will never seek to control or dominate you, put you down, belittle you, negate your feelings and thoughts. Precious God sent friends are absolute blessings within your life, and you in theirs also, they are beautiful healthy friendships.

I want to encourage you to hearken to that still small voice within, precious Holy Spirit, and then be courageous enough to always be true to that.

You may feel encouraged to open up to friendships that you would have otherwise initially turned away, but my main focus of this short post is that Holy Spirit may also save you from much heartache and protect you from potentially toxic relationships.

May your pathway forward be wonderful, ever overflowing with peace, life and freedom, with God giving you wings to soar!

Proverbs 4:23
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

Mandie Austin
Mandie Austin


1 Response

Dorathea Holtzhauzen
Dorathea Holtzhauzen

December 08, 2019

Thank you. This was just for me because I am going to w a touch relation of 47 years. Another woman step into the picture. It is terrible. Sometimes I think why me? Only God knows the answer.

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