Let go.. and let God

by Mandie Austin

Let go.. and let God

So I had a few rather “challenging” days this week, having been placed in a situation where things seemed out of my control, I made the choice to trust God.

Well all was going great whilst He held the steering wheel, but somewhere along the way I began to “help God”, not realizing I was slowly taking over the controls myself and attempting to correct circumstances I found myself feeling rather trapped in, but the more I tried the worse it seemed to spin out of control.

By now, gone was my peace and joy, this battle was too big for me, finally I sat there with tears streaming down my face and heart questioning why?!!.., suddenly I heard that gentle quiet voice that I have come to love and know so well saying “Let go.. and let God”, that was it.

You would think I would do so straight away, but still I continued to “assist God”, He didn’t need it, more time passed, and by now I was desperately needing His peace and joy to flood me once more. Those five small but powerful words began to replay over and over in my mind, “Let go and let God”... finally I did.

Oh the relief!!, joy and peace returned, then all things immediately began to fall so wonderfully, even divinely into place. So here I sit right now smiling, feeling happy and content, “When will I learn to ALWAYS trust You God” I ask, “always give You the controls?”, and I sense Him lovingly smiling over me.

He knows me so much more than I know myself, every weakness, every strength, when I am impulsive, when I get it wrong, and it never ceases to amaze me how He simply smiles, wraps me in His comforting blanket of love, gently takes the steering wheel of my life back and onwards we go, together!

God’s love so amazing, His mercy ever triumphing over judgement, that’s my God and Your God too, He is LOVE. I am sure some of you relate to this also, if so, please don’t be hard on yourself, simply hand dear Jesus back the steering wheel of your life, He is so patiently waiting.

God is brilliant in the drivers seat and He wants to lift off you all worry, care and stress too, everything!!, so that you His much loved royal passenger can enjoy life’s journey, by His side.

I encourage you just like I did (yet again!!) to let go and let God, He’s got it sorted! 🕊

Love Mandie x

Mandie Austin
Mandie Austin


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